Saturday, February 26, 2011

A bad ass nurse.

Someday I want to be a bad ass nurse. Well, not literally bad. :PP I just want to look like one. I want to be a nurse with a tender heart even though stress get into me. I want to be a nurse who doesn't just earn money but also earn lessons. Honestly, one of the reasons why I want to be a nurse is because I want to talk to old people about life lessons. I made so many mistakes and somehow I don't regret it. Making mistakes is just the way I am. Besides, bad decisions really make a good story.

I am currently a Level 2 student in a nursing school. I should do my best in my Pharmacology and Maternal Nursing Subjects. I still have two examinations to take. These 2 will be my last straw whether I will pass my 2nd year in Nursing. I don't deserve my summer vacation in Chicago if ever I don't pass the 2 subjects. So.. FIGHTING!!:)

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